Summer ‘23

About Kindervelt 💼

Kindervelt is the largest auxiliary of the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and one of Greater Cincinnati’s outstanding volunteer organizations, dedicated to raising funds for Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Since 1971, Kindervelt has contributed to developing major medical breakthroughs and state-of-the-art care that benefits the lives of thousands of children.

Project Objective 🌟

The objective of our project was to redesign the main pages on the website so that they are responsive, more scannable, and informative for primary and secondary audiences looking to donate to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and attend their events. The primary goal of our redesign was to increase membership and donations, while the secondary goals were to raise awareness and community participation.

A sneak peek of what we did 👀

Kindervelt Demo Day

Check out the Figma prototype! 🚀


Process 💭

Research 🔍

User Research

In order to get a holistic understanding of user needs, we used a mixed methods approach of both quantitative and qualitative data analysis. We created and distributed a survey to 10 people in order to gather insights about how current members (and non-members) interact with the existing Kindervelt website. Additionally, we conducted six in-depth user interviews with Kindervelt website users, in order to gather critical insights to inform the direction of the design process The contact information of these interviewees was generously provided by Kindervelt through their internal channels, and all interviews were voluntary.

User Research Plan


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